18 Years ago I met an 8th grader while playing basketball and hanging out after school. After seeing him ball and command the attention of a half a dozen girls, he was donned Pimp and the torch was passed to the next generation of like-minded degenerates! Now here we are, nearly two decades later, and although his balling skills aren’t quite up to snuff, he still managed to score a pretty smoking wifey and carry the Pimp moniker proudly with his knowledge of sports, television, music, movies and all things pop culture. Danny is our resident TV guru, rivaling the expertise of our generations greatest analysts, myself included. I thoroughly look forward to our weekly excuse to shoot the shit and sip booze together! -James-

  • Likes: Cards Against Humanity, My iPad, Binge Watching Serial Dramas
  • Dislikes: Horror Movies, Meat Cooked Any More Than Medium Rare, Boston Sports
  • Favorite Movies: True Romance, Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction
  • Favorite TV Show: The Shield, Impractical Jokers, Sons of Anarchy
  • Favorite Teams: Yankees, Knicks, Giants, UNC

JAMES @jimbo2118

James is an aspiring film maker who currently promotes and sells booze while waiting for his big break in the movie business. He is super outgoing and a really fun guy to party with. That is until he hits the "Bling Point," which is the point in the night where he gets so wasted that hanging out with him is about the equivalent of babysitting a 6 year old. Although he is a extremely knowledgable in the areas of sports, tv, and pop culture, his main expertise is the movies. He knows everything from the classics to the worst piece of shit, chick flick, romantic comedy. Most of all, he is my boy, and I love doing this show with him. -Danny-

  • Likes: Documentaries on Netflix, Well-Written Media, Sandwiches
  • Dislikes: Michael Bay, Ron Dayne, Pigeons
  • Favorite Movies: Jaws, The Empire Strikes Back, Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade
  • Favorite TV Shows: Breaking Bad, Lost, The Sopranos
  • Favorite Teams: Lakers, Knicks, Giants, Syracuse

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